Search Expectations

During the Search YOU can Expect:
  • We will arrange weekly check-in phone calls to review strategy and candidates in play. In addition, there will be thorough deep-dive check-ins at 30, 60, and 90 days. Topics discussed will be: Are expectations being met? What feedback are we receiving from candidates regarding your opportunity and your company as a whole. 60 and 90 day deep dives will be scheduled as needed.
  • During the initial stages of the search, we will spend time reaching out to our networks, beginning the conversations with candidates and sources.
  • As we identify the strongest candidates, we will write a brief highlighting the candidate and focusing on details not found in their resumes. We will prepare candidates for interviews with your team and meet with each individual, either in person or via Skype, before submitting any candidates to you.
  • Ideally, we will be submitting potential hires to you in groups of 2-3 candidates, allowing you to compare the best of the best. These will be the strongest candidates and the chances are very high that you will be hiring one of those candidates.
  • We will conduct post interview debriefs with you and your hiring team. As you interview candidates, we will be soliciting feedback from you as well as the candidates on their experience with the team. We will provide honest and candid feedback based on their experiences.
  • During the offer stage, we will provide full service assistance in negotiating the details, including providing reference checks and working through potential counter-offer situations.
After the Search:
  • You can expect continuous follow up from us. We will check-in with you the first month, three months and six months into the hire. We will follow up annually to see how things are changing and progressing with your hire, and your company.